Jessica Edmonds


“Being an artist means, not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confident in the storms of spring without fear that after them may come no summer.” - Rainer Rilke

A student of Art History at New College of Florida, Jessica Edmonds’ expertise is in visual and functional art.

“I used to consider myself a crafter (beading, sewing, collage, etc.),” Edmonds said, “though in recent years I have discovered that ‘crafting’ is a term given to undervalued artistic practices, so in aims of undoing this cultural association I work to call myself an artist. Any creative making is art. The materials and reality of daily experience inspire my practice.”

For her art, Edmonds is inspired by the women in her life. She also enjoys the work of the artist and designer Corita Kent, who was known for her use of the silk screen medium and played a significant role in the Pop Art movement .

On why she applied for the Lo-Fi program, Edmonds said, “I would like to teach and maybe teach abroad. I applied to Lo-Fi primarily for the TEFL certification but was also inspired by the platform to push myself creatively as an aspiring educator.”

Edmonds can be connected with on Instagram @edmondsjessica. 


The Lo-Fi Language Learning Arts ‘n EFL program is made possible by BridgeTEFL, Partners of the Americas, and the U.S. Department of State. 


Amanda Norton


Danielle Campbell